New Zealand Scholarships – Indonesia

Information for 2013 intake.
This page has scholarship information specific to Indonesia. It should be read with the general information in theScholarships section.

New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards: Indonesia


The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards seek to make a substantial contribution to ASEAN’s development by providing opportunities for postgraduate study (i.e. Postgraduate Diploma, Master’s degree and doctorate/PhD) in New Zealand.
The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards (NZ-AS) are part of the New Zealand’s official development assistance to the ASEAN region. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, through the New Zealand Aid Programme, delivers this scholarships scheme.
Under the NZ-AS scheme, up to 170 scholarships are available to candidates from ASEAN countries. From the total of 170, up to 50 scholarships per annum are available for Indonesian applicants.
The scholarships are for full-time study (See the scholarships benefits) at one of nine eligible New Zealand institutions. See the list of eligible New Zealand education institutions

Who Can Apply?

Individuals who meet the following profile may apply for the NZ-AS scholarships:
  • From the public or private sector;
  • With a proposed field of study in support of sustainable economic development ,as the core focus of the New Zealand Aid Programme, especially on agriculture, renewable energy (Geothermal) and disaster risk management;
  • Strong candidates from all areas will be considered, especially candidates who can demonstrate leadership quality and potential for future leadership;
  • Preferably be under 40 years of age at the time of application for Masters and under 45 years of age at the time of application for PhD
  • Those with work experiences in a field relevant to their intended course of postgraduate study, and can demonstrate a connection between their previous field of study and their intended field of postgraduate study.
Applicants must also meet the general eligibility criteria outlined in the ASEAN Scholarships  under  Indonesia Country Portfolio.

Targeted Candidates

  • People from Eastern Indonesia (West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua and West Papua);
  • Individuals prioritised who are from the Ministries of Agriculture, Forestry, Mineral Resources and Energy, Marine Resources and Fisheries, (including relevant research institutions under those Ministries); Environment; Tourism; Education, Foreign Affairs, National Police, National Agency for Planning and Development and Ministry of Defence (civilian officials).


11 April 2012Applications due
August/SeptemberShort-listed candidates interviewed and IELTS tests administered, if required
September/OctoberSuccessful candidates informed
January 2013Pre-departure English language training commences
Janaury 2013Pre -departure briefing


For further information and to submit an application please contact PT Austraining Nusantara (PTAN), the managing service contractor for New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards in Indonesia:
PT. Austraining Nusantara (PTAN)
PO BOX 1808
JKP 10018
Tel: 021-5292 0810
Fax:  021-5292 0818


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