RANZCOG Research Foundation Fellowships & Scholarships

Deadline: June 30, 2008

Scholarship / Financial aid: available
Date: one academic year
Open to: all interested

Applications Now Open
The RANZCOG Research Foundation is pleased to announce that the following Scholarships, Fellowships and Travel Grants are currently available for application for commencement in 2009:

-Arthur Wilson Memorial Scholarship, 2009-2010
-Ella Macknight Memorial Scholarship, 2009-2010
-Glyn White Research Fellowship, 2009-2010
-Luke Proposch Perinatal Research Scholarship, 2009
-Taylor-Hammond Research Scholarship, 2009
-Beresford Buttery Travel Grant, 2009
-Brown Craig Travelling Fellowship, 2009

About the Scholarships and Fellowships
The RANZCOG Research Foundation supports scientific and clinical research in women's health and offers fellowships, scholarships and travel assistance.

RANZCOG Research Foundation Scholarships and Fellowships are available for application between 1 April and 30 June each year. Some of the scholarships (eg the Ella Macknight Scholarship) are bi-annual and therefore not offered every year.

The value of RANZCOG Research Foundation scholarships and fellowships are subject to variation, as determined by the Board of Directors.

Closing Date for Applications
Applications close 30 June 2008.

For further information, including general enquiries relating to the scholarships, application and selection process, please contact:

Ms Georgina Anderson
+61 3 9412 2932
+61 3 9419 0672


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