Tuition Fees-only PhD Scholarships, Kingston Univ, UK

Tuition Fees-only PhD Scholarships
Computer Science, Informatics and Mathematics
Kingston University - Faculty of Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics
Closing date: 14 March 2010

Applications are invited from highly motivated and qualified home, EU or overseas students for tuition fees only full-time scholarships in specific topic areas from Computer Science, Informatics and Mathematics.

Details of these projects (and the contact details of the associated Directors of Studies) can be found at:

Candidates are strongly encouraged to discuss their application with the Director of Studies. (Candidates should apply for only ONE of the research projects listed.) In addition to the scholarship, expert supervision, desk and computing facilities will be provided. You will also be eligible to apply annually to our Conference Fund for attending conference.

The scholarships are available for 3 years, subject to a satisfactory progress review at the end of each year. If you are a non-UK applicant, the English Language Requirements are a minimum score of 620 (250 minimum in computer test) in TOEFL OR IELTS with minimum marks of 6.0 in each section and an overall band of 6.5.

How to Apply

Please return the completed post-graduate application form quoting the project reference FS10/01 together with an academic CV, academic certificates, two references and any other documentation to

Research Admissions, Faculty of Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics, Sopwith Building, Kingston University, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2EE

or e-mail: CISMResearchNB@ kingston.

or telephone +44 (0) 20417 2697

Please assume that your application has not been successful if you have not heard from us 6 weeks after the closing date. fees-only- phd-scholarships/


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