115 PhD scholarships at University of Edinburgh, UK

115 PhD scholarships at University of Edinburgh, UK

Edinburgh's research and teaching have been influencing the world since 1583. In the recent RAE, 63% of our research was considered either world-leading or internationally excellent. We were rated the best in the UK for hospital-based clinical subjects, Veterinary, Linguistics and Informatics research. We offer all our PhD students training in transferable skills in public engagement, effective publications and career management to provide an unrivalled depth of support.

Principal's Career Development PhD Scholarships

57 PhD Scholarships are available to students from any country. Each scholarship covers the UK/EU rate of tuition fee as well as a stipend which in year 1 will be £13,500; year 2 £14,000; and year 3 £14,500. Subject to satisfactory progress, the scholarships are awarded for three years.

Closing date for applications: Monday 15 March 2010

Overseas Research Scholarships

58 overseas research scholarships are also available to overseas PhD students undertaking a research degree in any field of study. Each award covers the difference between the UK/EU tuition fee rate and that chargeable to an overseas student. Subject to satisfactory progress, the awards are tenable for up to three years.
28 of these awards are available through the Scottish Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (SORSAS), with a further 30 scholarships offered under the University's Edinburgh Global Research Scholarships.

All applicants should apply for a SORSAS award, and if you are unsuccessful in obtaining an award, you will automatically be considered for an Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship.

Closing date for applications: Friday 26 February 2010

Find out more at www.scholarships.ed.ac.uk

http://www.scholars hips.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/internat/ors.htm


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